Búsqueda socios para calls: Clúster 5 "Clima, Energía y Movilidad" y Clúster 2 "Cultura, Creatividad y Sociedad Inclusiva"

Desde la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona y la "Turku University of Applied Sciences" (TUAS) están buscando socios para presentarse en convocatorias de los Clúster 5 "Clima, Energía y Movilidad" y Clúster 2 "Cultura, Creatividad y Sociedad Inclusiva" de Horizonte Europa:

  • HORIZON-CL5-2025-03-D1-06: Fostering equity and justice in climate policies – Societal Readiness Pilot
  • HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-DEMOCRACY-06: Countering and preventing radicalisation, extremism, hate speech and polarisation
  • HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-DEMOCRACY-12: The role of civic and citizenship education for strengthening civic and democratic participation and support for common European values
  • HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-TRANSFO-03 Working time reduction: barriers, challenges, benefits and policy implications

Contacto: directamente con los investigadores indicados en cada búsqueda de socios

Si necesitáis más información también podéis contactarnos en el email proyectos.europeos@uah.es

Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center Political and Social Sciences Department

Búsqueda de socios para el topic

HORIZON-CL5-2025-03-D1-06: Fostering equity and justice in climate policies – Societal Readiness Pilot

Estamos interesados en unirnos a un consorcio europeo para participar en cualquier convocatoria de Horizonte Europa que se ajuste a nuestra experiencia.

Descripción del grupo de investigación

The Johns Hopkins University - Pompeu Fabra University Public Policy Center is dedicated to research and teaching in major social and public policy areas that impact social and economic wellbeing, planetary health and climate change, governance, and work and labour conditions.

Founded in 2013, the Center is a collaboration between internationally recognised academic institutions: The Johns Hopkins University, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Pompeu Fabra University. Located on the Pompeu Fabra University campus in Barcelona, Spain, the Center is co-directed by Keshia Pollack at the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Bloomberg School, and Joan Benach at the Department of Political and Social Science at Pompeu Fabra University.

The JHU-UPF Public Policy Center aims to provide critical knowledge on the most significant planetary problems and their systemic-historical causes, and help inform political decisions and policy interventions that are more effective, equitable and truly sustainable. The goal of these activities is to generate and translate knowledge, in order to create a fairer socio-political and ecological-health system for humanity.

Descripción de Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) is a prominent research institution located in Barcelona, Spain. Ranked 26th in the world among universities under 50 years of age in 2024 and 1st in Spain for the most ERC grants. According to the Leiden ranking, it is also the 1st Spanish university in percentage of articles published in the most influential scholarly journals, 1st Spanish university in percentage of papers produced in collaboration with national institutions and 2nd Spanish university in percentage of papers produced in collaboration with foreign institutions. It also ranks 1st in Spain in Political and Social Sciences in several rankings (QS ranking, Shanghai, Leiden, El Mundo). Despite its small size, it attracts a significant amount of national and international third-party funding.

UPF was founded in 1990 by the Catalan government with the aim of creating a public university focused on academic excellence and contributing to the country’s development. UPF has already obtained more than 100 Horizon Europe projects and received 175 projects in the Horizon 2020 Programme (<€88 million), including 33 ERC Grants and 64 Marie Curie Actions. Over the EU 7th Framework Programme, it was awarded 145 projects worth over €75 million.

Contribución a presentación de convocatoria y consorcio

UPF’s contribution to a proposal would further advance this line of work by focussing on challenges related to agriculture and land-use through (i) quantitative research that would create indicators and profiles of diverse environmental justice and equity challenges and/ or assess potential trade-offs between different profiles of challenges; and (ii) qualitative in-depth case study research of political mechanisms that generate justice challenges, with a special focus on procedural challenges and the representation dimension of environmental justice. Depending on the geographical scope of the overall project, this research could be conducted only for European cases, or for cases globally.

UPF research would generate data, findings and conclusions that would help contribute to delivering the following Call expected outcomes:

- Climate policies are made more inclusive and equitable, facilitating acceptance across political and societal stakeholders and help deliver on the European Green Deal’s commitment to “leave no one behind”
- Social science perspectives on justice and equity are better incorporated into policy narratives, scenarios, and models, improving their societal relevance and ensuring that climate action strategies are more reflective of the needs, values and concerns of diverse societal groups

Investigador participante: Christos Zografos, Associate Professor

Zografos is an environmental social scientist with over 20 years of experience working in the interdisciplinary fields of political ecology, and social ecological economics. The current, principal focus of my research is the politics of implementing green transitions.

Since 2023, he is Associate Professor of Political Science & Administration with a specialisation in Environmental Social Science at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), in which he was previously Ramón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow (2017-22). Before that, he worked for the Institute of Environmental Science & Technology (ICTA-UAB) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as Scientific Coordinator of the €3.8 million, FP7 research project Climate Change, Hydro-Conflict and Human Security (CLICO), and as Senior Researcher managing the €3.6 million FP7 European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE) Marie Curie ITN.

He has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals, including over 30 publications in high-impact, Q1 journals in the fields of environmental studies, environmental sciences, geography, sociology and political science, planning and development, urban studies, history and philosophy of science. He has also published one edited book as a first author (Oxford University Press), and 16 book chapters (Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Edgar Elgar, Earthscan).

He is interested at investigating justice in the context of sectorial transitions, specifically as concerns its implications on under-researched sectors such as agriculture, and other types of land-use (e.g. tourism), and through that research help address point 6 of the aspects the Call requires to address.

In the last 5 years, his research has developed the concept of ‘green sacrifice’ to describe and investigate justice-related concerns about physical losses (e.g. agricultural land, biodiversity, etc.) and non-material aspects (e.g. lack of participation in decision-making, democratic deficits) connected to the implementation of climate transition policy in Europe and elsewhere.

Experencia previa

Zografos has been awarded a Marie Curie Global Fellowship, a Spanish Research Agency Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship, and his Ramón y Cajal application was ranked 1st in the Social Sciences panel. He has been the PI for research projects funded by public European (Next Generation EU) and national (Spanish Research Agency) funds, as well as private foundations (RecerCaixa), having obtained just above €1,000,000 in competitive research funding for individual grants, as research project PI and co-PI. The Department of Political and Social Sciences (DPSS) at the UPF received 51 FP7, H2020 and HEurope.





Political and Social Sciences Department Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration (GRITIM) - Pompeu Fabra University

Búsqueda de socios para los topics

HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-DEMOCRACY-06: Countering and preventing radicalisation, extremism, hate speech and polarisation

HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-DEMOCRACY-12: The role of civic and citizenship education for strengthening civic and democratic participation and support for common European values

Estamos interesados en unirnos a un consorcio europeo para participar en cualquier convocatoria de Horizonte Europa que se ajuste a nuestra experiencia.

Descripción del grupo de investigación

GRITIM-UPF is an internationally renowned research group in migration studies, contributing to agenda-setting in the field through numerous research projects and high-impact publications. Its team is made up by experiences scholars from the fields of political science, sociology, social anthropology and other social sciences. GRITIM-UPF currently coordinates the IMISCOE Regional network EuroMedMig. The group's members are committed to promoting theoretical/methodological innovation and applied research related to the development of political and social agendas.

The members of the research team at GRITIM-UPF develop different parallel lines of research and coordinate projects within their respective main areas.

As an academic environment, GRITIM-UPF offers optimal conditions for hosting both predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers. GRITIM-UPF also coordinates the international Master in Migration Studies programme at the UPF.

Experencia previa

GRITIM-UPF has strong expertise in the successful application and management of European research projects, as well as in dissemination and transfer of the results both inside and outside academia through numerous publications and close contacts with policy-makers and other stakeholders. The research team as hosted and trained several postdoctoral researchers including Eutopia and MSCA fellows in recent years, in addition to numerous doctoral candidates.

Currently, there are five research projects coordinated by GRITIM-UPF or where the group acts as partner:

Members of the group have also been involver in 7 other projects in the last 10 years. These, and previous ones can be found here.






New Ways of Promoting Performance Research Group - Turku University of Applied Sciences

Búsqueda de socios para los topics

HORIZON-CL2-2025-01-TRANSFO-03 Working time reduction: barriers, challenges, benefits and policy implications

Búsqueda de socio/responsable de paquete de trabajo.

Descripción del grupo de investigación

We develop and research well-being at work and leadership in the changing world of work. New ways of working, leadership, work performance and nature as part of promoting well-being at work are at the heart of what we do.

Visit us: https://www.turkuamk.fi/en/reasearch_groups/new-ways-of-promoting-performance/

Descripción de Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turku UAS)

Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turku UAS) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Finland. Our graduates are practice-oriented professionals with top competences.

As a significant regional actor, we harbour close ties to businesses, regional actors and municipalities in Southwest Finland.

Visit us: https://www.turkuamk.fi/en/

Contribución a presentación de convocatoria y consorcio

In relation to new, emerging phenomena in working life, we have conducted research to the changes, such as hybrid work, and its’ various aspects in individual, team and organizational levels. We have explored the outcomes, connections, and relations between the various target groups, and found e g. working time increased in pandemic due to diminished time for commuting, leading to positive effects on the balance between work and personal life. We are experienced in conducting research with qualitative and mixed method approaches. We offer to this call experimental and implementation research skills, with new solutions and methods. We would contribute to improving the available data on enablers and barriers of reduced working hours for social partners, organisations, public authorities and other relevant stakeholders.

In the New Ways of Promoting Performance (NWPP) research group, we have studied new ways of working (NewWoW) for years, such as mobile and multi-location work. One key factor of new ways of working is the flexible allocation of working hours and associated benefits and drawbacks, including questions related to the reduction of working hours. Our research group has explored work particularly from the perspectives of leadership, practices, and the development of work well-being at the levels of individuals, teams, and organizations. We offer to this call expertise to explore the benefits and barriers of social and environmental outcomes of reduced working hours. We can contribute to the research of working time reduction, especially from the perspectives of management practices and work well-being.

In the recent survey we contributed to, it emerged that environmental values and sustainability are important perspectives for many employees in self-directed and proactive work planning. For example, reducing daily commuting proved to be a crucial factor in designing hybrid work methods. This perspective might facilitate organizations and employees willingness for piloting reduced working hours.

Finally, we offer to this call the possible collaborators from our vast network; Trade Unions (Tehy from Health Care Sector), Local Government and County Employers, NGOs (The Center of Occupational Safety), regional SME’s, and public authorities (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland) and other relevant stakeholders (f.ex. Pension Insurance Companies) to provide the insights of the barriers and enablers of working time reduction. We can bring different research subjects to this consortium aimed at the call; for example, employees doing expert work such as doctors and those doing manual labor, e.g., shipyard workers.


Marion Karppi - Leader of the research group
